Dans les yeux d’Emilie

Vincent Nobel

What is the song about? What does the song mean?

This song is written by the very famous French singer and composer Joe Dassin, also very well-known from “Siffler sur la colline” and “Les Champs Élysées”. It has two distinct ambiances, a rather cold and ominous, the other joyful and warm.

The author starts with a verse on the city of Quebec, about to enter a long and cold and dark winter "Quand les jours ressemblent au nuits" / "When the days seem just as night" etc.

However, even though this tough season is showing up, the author is happy, since he finds his sun, warmth and joy within the eyes of the woman he loves: Emily.

Why is the song so well known in your country of origin?

This song was released in 1977 and became popular back then for this older generation. However, 1-2 years ago, it was covered by a peña (a type of music group from the south-west of France, making very festive music with horns mainly) and it became an anthem for the rugby world cup in France. The internet made it very popular, and brought a new life to this song, making it known to the younger generation as well, uniting both in song.

Ever since, it's been an anthem in the summer and it can be heard on many occasions, such as stadiums during the Olympics this summer for instance, or every summer-fests/parties. Here is a video from Joe Dassin's YouTube channel showing the success of the song during the summer.

What special meaning does the song have for you?

I really enjoy this song, as it always reminds me of the summer and the good times that come with it. I used to sing it with my friends at the summer parties from my village in Aveyron, and I will probably continue.

Tell us something about yourself. Who are you?

I’m a French Dutch 19-year-old and come from a small village in France called Saint-Jean-du-Bruel. I however lived my whole life in the Netherlands in Den Haag. I currently study Advanced Technology at the UT. I play the guitar in a band on campus called "The Isotopes".

Sheet music