Bāng Chhun-Hong

Lena Chen

What is the song about? What does the song mean?

This song is about a young woman longing for love. She has a fluttering heart towards a young guy, but she does not dare to approach him. However, she is still looking forward to spring (the season of spring can be seen as a metaphor for love).

Why is the song so well known in your country of origin?

This song was released in 1933 when Taiwanese Hokkien (one of the native languages in Taiwan and the language of this song) pop songs started to be popular for the first time. It symbolizes Taiwan’s cultural identity and emotional resilience through its melody and poetic lyrics.

In addition, the song witnesses the modern history of Taiwan. For example, it reflected the culture of Taiwan under Japanese rule, was even adapted as a patriotic military song during World War II and was also banned during the ROC government's martial law period. All in all, it is not only about love but also hope.

What special meaning does the song have for you?

I heard this song for the first time when I was a kid. Although I was too young to understand what it was about, this song is commonly known by people and sometimes played by orchestras and choirs, and as a school choir member, my impression of this song was just about its beautiful melody and styles a bit different from the western songs.

Nowadays, for me, it represents the pure heart of love for all kinds of people and things, even though we might get teased by others (see the second part of the lyrics, the young woman got teased by the moon), we still believe in good thing will happen.

Tell us something about yourself. Who are you?

I am a sound artist from Taiwan. Studying music at ArtEZ Conservatorium made me relocate to Enschede. After graduating last year, I am still enjoying my life here and creating new sounds!

Sheet music